Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Myths of Negotiating Dark Networks Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Myths of Negotiating Dark Networks - Article Example They clarify that â€Å"in contrast to hierarchies, networks lack top-down command and authoritative dispute settlement† (2008: 11). While they acknowledge the commonly cited advantages of networked actors – efficient communication and information processing, scalability, adaptability, resilience, and learning capacity – they rightfully caution that all of these may not apply to every type of network. Eistrup-Sangiovanni and Jones identify three kinds of networks: the chain network, the wheel network, and the all-channel network. Illicit networks are primarily of the first two variants and many, if not most, suffer from â€Å"inefficiencies and short life-cycles† (2008: 17). The scholarship on networks, they claim, pays scant attention to historical evidence and extant studies of terrorism, insurgency, and organized crime. Dark networks suffer from information limitations and communication failures, poor decision-making and excessive risk-taking, restrictions on scope and structural adaptability, collective action problems due to (lack of) coordination, frequent security breaches, and learning disabilities (2008: 19-33). Using these limitations as an analytical framework, Eistrup-Sangiovanni and Jones examine the organizational structure of the al-Qaida, which appears to be a robust network-based threat in the 21st century. The al-Qaida’s potency draws a lot from a hierarchical organization, which has been increasingly difficult to maintain as the group comes under sustained international pressure. Its capacity to undertake major operations – like the â€Å"9/11† attacks – dwindles as it more closely resembles a loosely structured network of actors; indeed, there have been more failed attempts than successful attacks since 2001 (2008: 35-40).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ilya Repins Volga boatmen Essay Example for Free

Ilya Repins Volga boatmen Essay â€Å"Painting is a branch of the visual arts, in which color is applied to various surfaces to create a representational or abstract picture or design† (Vishny, 2003). A painting can represent an artist’s ideas or reflect the condition of a society. Some of the great masterpieces in art history include Peter Rubens’ The Battle of the Amazons, Frederic Church’s Heart of the Andes and Ilya Repins Volga boatmen. The Battle of the Amazons was painted by Peter Rubens during the Baroque epoch in 1616-1618. The painting employed the Flemish Baroque Style while the theme represented a battle scene from Greek mythology. It showed a violent struggle between Theseus (King of Athens) defense force and a group of women warriors commonly known as Amazons. In this graphical depiction of Rubens, he made use of strong dark colors of red, black and yellow that exemplified belligerence. â€Å"The glowing color and light that flickers across limbs and draperies gave a sense of movement and tactile strength† (Davison, 2006). For me, this piece of art showed that in a game of war nobody wins and everybody looses. No matter what the motivation or the cause of the conflict, war can’t still be justified because in reality lives are being taken and that is contradictory to human’s purpose which is to live. On the other hand, Frederic Church’s Heart of the Andes is a pleasant landscape illustration of a scenic view in Ecuador along the Andes Mountains. His delicate fusions of water, light and air and his seemingly infinite vistas emphasized an accurate depiction of an unspoiled and picturesque environment. This painting gave many Americans during the late 19th century their first glimpse of the tropics, which is rendered as exotic and as an underdeveloped terrain (Smith, 1989, pp-1-2). I think that the â€Å"Heart of Andes† reflected the artist’s love for nature. Meanwhile, Ilya Repins Volga Boatmen is a painting about bargemen which were called â€Å"burlaki† harnessed together along the shoreline of Volga River in Russia. Repin was able to convincingly depict the status of the working class during that period. He treated the main elements of his painting with dark colors to represent weariness, melancholiness and captivity which is contrasted by the light yellow and blue hues that showed nature’s beauty. Furthermore, Volga Boatmen became the model for mid-20th-century Soviet socialist realism that honestly and realistically demonstrated the social condition of Russia during that period (Davison, 2006). These three art works are representational paintings. The Battle of the Amazons, Heart of the Andes and Volga Boatmen represented a particular event, a definite place and a specific social condition. Ruben, Church and Repin used the same medium but they pointed out three different views. In the case of Ruben, he gave a glimpse of the Greek mythology, which is a commonly used theme in the Renaissance era, to his viewers. Beneath the nudes, animals and mythological creatures, issues on the effects of war and subordination of women were raised. For Church, he used his artistry to showcase an unspoiled landscape and stressed that places like this do exist outside their own backyard. The natural effect of the painting gave its viewers an organic feeling which is in opposite with Ruben’s somber depiction of the Battle of the Amazons and Repin’s gloomy rendition of the Volga Boatmen. Meanwhile, Repin showed in his painting his advocacy for socialist realism. He depicted a social scene with a realistic detail to impart to his viewers his social conviction. Overall, these paintings may differ in subject matter, color or styles but the only common thing in these masterpieces is that these are not only art works but are also considered as historical documents that tell a story of a certain period or time. More so, these paintings exude a serious mood with the common theme of battle. It is seen mostly in the small detailed elements that were carefully placed by the artists in their respective paintings. In the Battle of the Amazon, the use of dead nudes dramatizes the plight of women against the Greek men. The painting emphasized the social status of women as inferior to men but the battle scene depicted the attempts of the amazons to prove to the Greeks that they are not weak. Meanwhile, in the Heart of the Andes, it shows a different kind of battle. The presence of the white cross and open-root tree on the riverbank suggests the vulnerability of the environment. Church intended this element to show the fight to preserve and protect the pristine beauty of nature from the opportunist hands of man. As for Repins Volga Boatmen, the sea elements on the shoreline accentuates the barrenness of the place that heightens the unfavorable condition of the boatmen. This painting represents the conflict between workers and the upper class. It shows the class struggle of the masses against the privilege. References Davison, B. (2006). A Painting Critique: The Battle of the Amazons, Heart of the Andes, and Volga Boatmen. Associated Content Inc, pp. 1-2. Retrieved February 23, 2008, from http://www.associatedcontent. com/article/93533/a_painting_critique_the_battle_of_the. html. Lerkins Global Ltd. (2003). Rubens, Peter Paul The Battle of the Amazons. Retrieved February 23, 2008, from http://oldmasterpiece. com/rubens,peter,paul,the,battle,of,the,amazons,738. html? PHPSESSID=ed5695e80ea4b61861f84e53e04b9c7a Smith, R. 1989 October 30. Review/Art: Poetry and Showmanship of Frederic Church. New York Times, pp. 1-2. Vishny, M. (2003). Painting. Microsoft Encarta Reference Library. Microsoft Corporation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Energy Star :: Environment Environmental Papers Fossils

Energy Star An analysis of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for 1989 in United States Dollars compared to the 1991 total energy consumed per capita in equivalent barrels of oil for several countries, found the United States and Canada guilty for having the largest oil consumption per capita at fifty-five barrels while producing a third less than the leading country, Switzerland, in GDP per capita. Switzerland, the poster boy, of efficiency manages to produce more than the United States per capita while consuming half the amount of oil. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 6) These astonishing figures present the United States as a wasteful nation plagued by inefficiency. Therefore, it was no surprise when in 1992 the Environmental Protection Agency began a program called Energy Star whose goal was and still is to promote and identify energy efficient products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The idea behind Energy Star was to reduce United States consumption of fossil fuels, while also making the change economically sound to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public, thereby increasing United States overall efficiency. The program started out small, targeting electronic devices such as computers and monitors, and then snowballed into undertaking household appliances, lighting, and even businesses and homes. The mechanism on which Energy Star operates is based on an Energy Star label that is placed on appliances, devices, and anything approved by the program. This label lets consumers know that the product meets certain Energy Star efficiency guidelines that vary based on the category. However, the Energy Star program was and still is purely voluntary, meaning manufacturers have the option whether or not to generate products that meet Energy Star efficiency guidelines. Some of the first devices that carried the Energy Star label were televisions, VCRs, and audio equipment. These devices along with a hoax of others such as copy machines, fax machines, DVD players, printers, and computers, consume energy while they are not in use or in standby mode. For the purposes of this paper, the term standby mode will be defined as the state of any electronic device that is plugged into a household power source, but has its power function turned off. Therefore, in an effort to increase efficiency, any electronic device that carries the Energy Star label will consume less energy during its standby mode. For example, in the case of a television that normally consumes six watts of electricity in standby, an Energy Star labeled television will consume fewer than three watts of electricity in its standby mode, which cuts its energy consumption in half during non-working hours.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Format for the Celebration Speech

Format for the Celebration Speech Introduction: I. Attention GetterAn attention grabbing statement to get the audience interested in learning about your process II. Connection to the AudienceTell them why they should listen to you (i. e. how does learning this process benefit them personally) III. Central Idea/ Thesis StatementA one sentence summary and preview of the entire speech, i. e. What are you teaching them? Body: * Transition Statement * I. Body Area Main IdeaA one sentence summary of the first body areaA. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrates, explains, etc. the main idea for the body area B. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrates, explains, etc. the main idea for the body area * Transition Statement* II. Body Area Main IdeaA one sentence summary of the second body area A. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrates, explains, etc. the main idea for the body area B. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrate s, explains, etc. he main idea for the body area * Transition Statement* III. Body Area Main IdeaA one sentence summary of the third body area A. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrates, explains, etc. the main idea for the body area B. Supporting MaterialInformation that confirms, illustrates, explains, etc. the main idea for the body area * Transition Statement* Conclusion: I. Central IdeaRestate the central idea to review the main point of the speech II. Reconnect the Attention GetterReiterate your attention getter. This makes your speech feel â€Å"complete†) Note: You have some leeway with how to format the body areas for this speech. A Celebration speech or an Informative speech is organized depending upon the information you are sharing about your topic. You should focus on interesting facts, uses, etc. about your topic and should NOT do a recounting of the chronological information about the topic. Audiences quickly become bored with this approach.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Principles of Farm Animal Husbandry – Intensive and Extensive Farming

The terms intensive and extensive within farm animal husbandry refer to the methods animals are raised and processed. Intensive farming – Generally referred to as industrial and factory farming, this method is used to aid mass production of meats and dairy. Farm animals are kept in specially built units all year round in order to better control feeding and management. Examples of these can be found in battery cages to house chickens to aid egg collection, and farrowing crates to restrict sows within breeding units. Animals can be fed, watered and cleaned by automatic systems such as feed hoppers and drinkers. Extensive farming – Can also be linked with free-range, animals are able to freely move around and graze outdoors. This method is usually utilised in regions with a lesser demand, such as more open rural areas. There are some cases where animals can be part intensive and extensively farmed. For example, a sheep may spend the majority of it's time outdoors, but will be brought indoors and intensively farmed during lambing season. One of the negative impacts created by intensive farming is the increase in manure. Before intensive farming was introduced, farmers would ordinarily spread livestock manure onto fields for the crops benefit. However, some farmers have begun specialising in areas, crop growing or livestock, which means intensive livestock farmers have to store slurry, which can emit methane, and then travel to areas where this can be disposed of. However, this can be argued as a benefit to farmers who still produce crops as well as manage livestock as the slurry is readily available in great quantity to aid growth of their crops. Another problem appears to be the welfare of the farm animals. Instead of being able to display natural behaviours such as grazing, social and maternal instincts outdoors as with extensive farming, these animals are kept in confined spaces, which can cause signs of discomfort, lameness and even aggression. That being said, intensive farming is essential in order to keep supplying food to an ever growing population. The Five Freedoms The original concept first appeared within the Report of the Technical Committee to Enquire into the Welfare of Animals kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems, the Brambell Report, December 1965 (HMSO London, ISBN 0 10 850286 4). This acknowledged the need for farm animals to have freedom â€Å"to stand up, lie down, turn around, groom themselves and stretch their limbs† â€Å"The Five Freedoms are: 1. Freedom from hunger and thirst – By ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour;† Ensure troughs, nipple drinkers and any other feeding instruments are at an appropriate location and height for animals, and that these instruments are cleaned and checked for blockages on a daily basis. All cattle require that sufficient roughage be readily available. Sheep require fresh, clean water be available at all times. â€Å"2. Freedom from discomfort – By providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area;† Ensuring there is enough space for the animal to move freely and have fresh, clean bedding appropriate to that species, such as straw. A pigs resting area should remain dry, which can be achieved by being on a slightly higher level than its dunging area. â€Å"3. Freedom from pain injury or disease – By prevention or by rapid diagnosis and treatment;† Livestock housed intensively should be kept in buildings with an effective ventilation system and kept out of draughts to minimise respiratory problems. Monitoring for signs of disease, stress, illness, infestation and lameness is essential to ensure this can be dealt with appropriately and promptly. Ensuring all farm animals have appropriate vaccinations against diseases, such as bluetongue in cattle. Procedures should be in place to isolate and treat any injured or sick animal. Any animals should be humanely killed if found to be incurable. â€Å"4. Freedom to express most normal behaviour – By providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animals own kind;† Farmers should determine space allowance according to animal, class, age, and size. For example, DEFRA provide this table as an example of good practise within housed sheep – (1) Normal social interaction is important too, for example, pigs housed indoors are kept in groups after weaning, usually separated by gender. Toys, like footballs, can also help with the enrichment of the animal. â€Å"5. Freedom from fear and distress – By ensuring conditions and treatment to avoid mental suffering.† (2) Ensuring stock-keepers are fully trained and have the knowledge and skills to carefully manage any farm animal sympathetically, from being able to handle and herd the animals effectively, to providing accurate injury or illness care. Environment and Housing Requirements for Pigs The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2003 states there are different requirements, in terms of space and temperature, dependant on the stage, size and class of pig. Though, some factors have to be taken into account throughout all types, such as comfortable and dry bedding, which can be seen in all the below images, as the college farm uses clean, fresh straw throughout. (3) (4) Farrowing Sows and Piglets – The image directly below shows a sow with ten piglets within the farrowing village in the college farm. This shows the sow and piglets have enough space to stand up and manoeuvre, inside and out of the arc. The above images show a drinker, providing clean fresh water, and a feeding trough providing pellets. Weaner and Rearing Pigs – The same regulations state the minimum unobstructed floor area available to each weaner and rearing pig should be at least – (5) The above picture shows the colleges pigs in first stage. Weaners and rearer pigs should have adequate space in order to exercise, feed and for all pigs to lie flat on their side simultaneously, which the above pictures demonstrate. The images also show feeding troughs are raised and at an accessible height for the pigs to feed comfortably and separately from resting areas. Dry Sows and Gilts – (6) (2) As well as being able to move around freely, the pigs resting area requires to be elevated in comparison to its dunging area to ensure their resting area remains clean and dry. Concrete slatted floors are used within the pig unit as this proves to be smooth and easy to keep hygienic and also not slippery which could lead to accidents and injury. Lighting, ventilation and temperature control is also vital to promote pig health. The college pig units provide natural lighting and ventilation within the roofs, the latter of which help remove noxious gases and control temperatures. Controlling the pig's feeds and bedding also helps maintain the appropriate temperature. As mentioned previously, the recommended temperature varies dependant on the category of pig, the table above shows this. Livestock Health and Welfare There are two main factors to be taken into account whilst discussing health and welfare, those being mental and physical. In terms of livestock mental health and welfare, one of the factors to take into account would be the animal's stimulus. This could be objects the animal can entertain itself with, such as a ball, or even just animals of the same species to interact with. An animal may suffer mentally or become stressed if it is left segregated without anything to aid mental enrichment. On the physical side, illnesses common within certain farm animals may be a problem if not properly vaccinated against, illnesses such and foot and mouth among pigs and cattle. Respiratory problems can occur if housing for farm animals does not have the required ventilation measures in place. Issues could occur during the transportation of livestock; whether this is physical in that the animal is mishandled or if the transportations flooring is not so as to prevent slipping, or mentally in that the animal may become stressed, especially if force is used within the process. All these aspects and more all come down to one main factor, stockmanship. Providing stock-keepers have the acquired knowledge and skills from onsite training and relevant courses, these factors should all be well manageable. From handling skills and care, to preventing and treating illnesses and parasites, and other general maintenance required to ensure health and welfare is upheld.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Weather and Season Vocabulary in Chinese

Weather and Season Vocabulary in Chinese Talking about the weather is a great way to start a casual conversation. With these new  vocabulary words, youll be able to ask about the weather and describe seasons in Chinese.  Audio clips  to help with listening comprehension and pronunciation are marked with ââ€" º. Seasons in Chinese As you already know, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Lets learn the Mandarin Chinese names for these seasons. First off, we need to learn how to say season: seasonsââ€" ºjà ¬ jià ©Ã¢â‚¬â€¹(trad) Ã¥ ­ £Ã§ ¯â‚¬(simp) Ã¥ ­ £Ã¨Å â€š Lets move on to season names: springæ˜ ¥Ã¥ ¤ © ââ€" ºchÃ… «n tiÄ nsummerÃ¥ ¤ Ã¥ ¤ © ââ€" ºxi tiÄ nautumnç §â€¹Ã¥ ¤ © ââ€" ºqiÃ… « tiÄ nwinterå† ¬Ã¥ ¤ © ââ€" ºdÃ… ng tiÄ n Weather Vocabulary Now lets get more specific and talk about day-to-day weather. While reading through this vocabulary list, think about how you can apply these new words. What is the weather usually like in ç §â€¹Ã¥ ¤ © (qiÃ… « tiÄ n)? What about  Ã¥ ¤ Ã¥ ¤ © (xi tiÄ n)? What is the weather like for you today? weather(trad) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ ° £ / (simp) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€ ââ€" ºtiÄ n qà ¬goodÃ¥ ¥ ½ ââ€" ºhÇŽosunnyæ™ ´Ã¦Å"â€" ââ€" ºqà ­ng lÇŽngovercast(trad) Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã©â€º ²/ (simp) Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã¤ ºâ€˜ ââ€" ºduÃ…  yà ºnrainingä ¸â€¹Ã©â€º ¨ ââ€" ºxi yÇ”snowingä ¸â€¹Ã©â€º ª ââ€" ºxi xuÄ›coldå† · ââ€" ºlÄ›nghot(trad) ç† ± /  (simp) çÆ' ­ ââ€" ºrà ¨warmæ º «Ã¦Å¡â€" ââ€" ºwÄ“n nuÇŽncoolæ ¶ ¼Ã§Ë† ½ ââ€" ºling shuÇŽng Sentence Examples About Weather Now that you have a basis in describing the weather, put it to use by incorporating this new vocabulary into a sentence.   Whats the weather like?ââ€" ºtiÄ n qà ¬ zÄ›n me yng?(trad) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ ° £Ã¦â‚¬Å½Ã© º ¼Ã¦ ¨ £?(simp) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€Ã¦â‚¬Å½Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¦   ·?Its cold.ââ€" ºhÄ›n lÄ›ngÃ¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥â€  ·Its raining.ââ€" ºxi yÇ”ä ¸â€¹Ã©â€º ¨The weathers not good.ââ€" ºtiÄ n qà ¬ bà ¹ hÇŽo(trad) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ ° £Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ ¥ ½(simp) Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã¦ °â€Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ ¥ ½Its good.ââ€" ºhÄ›n hÇŽoÃ¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¥ ½Its hot.ââ€" ºhÄ›n rà ¨(trad) Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã§â€  ±(simp) Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã§Æ' ­

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marx and the War essays

Marx and the War essays The United States invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, and the world- wide protests against these actions provides fertile material for sociological analysis, specifically from the perspective of conflict theory. Recent media attention given to the March 20th protests here in the United States and around the world, specifically an article by CNN will provide a template for a critical sociological analysis. As critical theory depends so much on the foundation laid by Karl Marx I will focus my analysis on, first a Classical Marxist analysis, then explain how it is inadequate and turn to a Neo-Marxist Perspective, then finishing with a Post- Marxist explanation of the war, occupation and the protest movements and the theoretical issues they raise The article I chose is entitled Americans Demonstrate For, Against War. It summarizes protests in New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington DC and Los Angeles and reports on both the pro-war and anti war-activists. According to the article more than 200,000 people marched in New York City, and reported policed violence through the use of pepper spray and violent activist behavior. The article also focused on the pro-war marchers in Chicago, and their support for the troops and President Bushs policies. The protest in Washington, like the protest in New York City took place within a sanctioned barricade and reports that the police in Washington DC and the protesters had a stand off when the demonstrators departed from the route set out in their parade permit. CNN also reported that many of the protesters, specifically in Los Angeles protested the media coverage of the war. Participants carried signs reading CNN Weapons of mass deception and CNN-Censorship Cable Network. I will highlight the protests as outlined in the article as a communicative action, as well as the concerns of a delineate...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Understanding Political Process Theory

Understanding Political Process Theory Also known as political opportunity theory, political process theory offers an explanation of the conditions, mindset, and actions that make a social movement successful in achieving its goals. According to this theory, political opportunities for change must first be present before a movement can achieve its objectives. Following that, the movement ultimately attempts to make change through the existing political structure and processes. Overview Political process theory (PPT) is considered the core theory of social movements and how they mobilize (work to create change). It was developed by  sociologists in the U.S. during the 1970s and 80s, in response to the Civil Rights, anti-war, and student movements of the 1960s. Sociologist Douglas McAdam, now a professor at Stanford University, is credited with first developing this theory via his study of the Black Civil Rights movement (see his book  Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930-1970, published in 1982). Prior to the development of this theory, social scientists viewed members of social movements as irrational and crazed and framed them as deviants rather than political actors. Developed through careful research, political process theory disrupted that view and exposed its troubling elitist, racist, and patriarchal roots. Resource mobilization theory similarly offers an alternative view to this classical one. Since McAdam published his book outlining the theory, revisions to it have been made by him and other sociologists, so today it differs from McAdams original articulation.  As sociologist Neal Caren describes in his entry on the theory in the  Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, political process theory outlines five key components that determine the success or failure of a social movement: political opportunities, mobilizing structures, framing processes,  protest cycles, and contentious repertoires. Political opportunities  are the most important aspect of PPT, because according to the theory, without them, success for a social movement is impossible. Political opportunitiesor opportunities for intervention and change within the existing political systemexist when the system experiences vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in the system can arise for a variety of reasons but hinge on a crisis of legitimacy wherein the populace no longer supports the social and economic conditions fostered or maintained by the system. Opportunities might be driven by  the broadening of political enfranchisement to those previously excluded (like women and people of color, historically speaking), divisions among leaders, increasing diversity within political bodies and the electorate, and a loosening of repressive structures that previously kept people from demanding change.Mobilizing structures  refer to the  already existing organizations (political or otherwise) that are present among the c ommunity that wants change. These organizations serve as mobilizing structures for a social movement by providing membership, leadership, and communication and social networks to the budding movement. Examples include churches, community and nonprofit organizations, and student groups and schools, to name a few. Framing processes are carried out by leaders of an organization in order to allow the group or movement to  clearly and persuasively describe the existing problems, articulate why change is necessary, what changes are desired, and how one can go about achieving them. Framing processes foster the ideological buy-in among movement members, members of the political establishment, and the public at large that is necessary for a social movement to seize political opportunities and make change. McAdam and colleagues describe framing as conscious strategic efforts by groups of people to fashion shared understandings of the world and of themselves that legitimate and motivate collective action (see Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framing  [1996]).Protest cycles  are another important aspect of social movement success according to PPT. A protest cycle is a prolonged  period of time when opposition to the politi cal system and acts of protest are in a heightened state. Within this theoretical perspective, protests are important expressions of the views and demands of the mobilizing structures connected to the movement and are vehicles to express the ideological frames connected to the framing process. As such, protests serve to strengthen solidarity within the movement, to raise awareness among the general public about the issues targeted by the movement, and also serve to help recruit new members. The fifth and final aspect of PPT is contentious repertoires, which refers to the set of means through which the movement makes its claims. These typically include strikes, demonstrations (protests), and  petitions. According to PPT, when all of these elements are present, it is possible that a social movement will be able to make changes within the existing political system that will reflect the desired outcome. Key Figures There are many sociologists who study social movements, but key figures who helped create and refine PPT include Charles Tilly,  Peter Eisinger, Sidney Tarrow, David Snow, David Meyer, and Douglas McAdam. Recommended Reading To learn more about PPT see the following resources: From Mobilization to Revolution  (1978), by Charles Tilly.Political Process Theory,  Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, by Neal Caren (2007).Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency,  (1982) by Douglas McAdam.Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framing  (1996), by Douglas McAdam and colleagues. Updated  by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Portfolio - Essay Example I am, however, still having difficulties in more difficult English words, those that are not usually used in the every day life or in the regular textbook. I still find myself searching for the meaning of these words. Also, I’m still having problems in writing English paragraphs because I tend to write the same words in the different sentences within the same paragraph. This is because I still need to further expand my knowledge of English words and their synonyms. However, I know that I can still add to my knowledge in the English vocabulary by exposing myself more to this language through reading English books, papers and articles and through interacting with other people who are native English speakers and writers. Before taking this class, the English grammar was the most difficult area for me. As I am not used to writing or speaking English sentences, my sentence structure in English was not really that good. The grammar pre-test that we took at the start of this class really showed that grammar is a big weakness for me. But after taking this class, I can say that my English grammar has significantly improved. The lessons on verb tenses and the subject – verb agreement could be simple lessons for those who are good in writing in English but for me, these two lessons were challenging ones because they are at the core of what I needed to correct in my grammar. Although these lessons were hard for me, they have helped me improve my grammar in this aspect. Reading the two textbooks, the reading strategies and the improving study skills have also exposed me to proper English grammar. Of course, as I am still developing my English skills, I still find it hard to write English sentences prop erly. Sometimes, it is easier to go back to my old English grammar rather than to have to think things through to ensure that the subject and the verb agree all the time, that I am using the proper verb tense and that

Friday, October 18, 2019

Role of Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Managers - Assignment Example In this organization, the planning role of managers involves the logical reasoning, through setting of targets and the relevant procedures to be followed to achieve these goals. Through this process, the managers plan into the unpredictable future, by foreseeing possible problems and giving distinctive blueprints on the actions necessary to avoid catastrophic events. At Wells Fargo, the management uses planning to counter the industry competition. It is critical to have an organized unit in order to fulfill the plans of the organization. The Wells Fargo management is tasked with aligning all the company’s resources to the major corporate strategy of the company. In many organizations, the corporate strategy fails to align with the organizational strategy, hence causing a myriad of problems due to misplaced priorities (Canals, 2011). However, the Wells Fargo management uses the organizational function to establish and maintain the relationships between the executive board and the human resource at the company. Through this duty, the managers are able to assign the technological and human resources to suit the corporate benchmarks of the company. In addition to organizing, the managers of Wells Fargo Company perform the staffing function as well. The human resource managers within the company play a critical role in the recruitment, selection, training, and development of talents within the organization. In the radical world of globalization, many companies struggle with retaining experienced employees within the company. Through establishing a reliable system to oversee the staffing process, the company accomplishes its plans in line with the available human resources. Given the competition levels that companies face in the business environment, it is important to give a clear insight on the direction that an organization must follow amidst the challenges it encounters (Mertzanis, 2013). Therefore, the directive role

Critique on Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory Essay

Critique on Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory - Essay Example The essay "Critique on Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory" aims to analyze Salvador Dali's famous painting called "Persistence of Memory". When one thinks of eccentric modern painters, one of the first names that come to mind is that of Salvador Dali. Perhaps Dali’s most well-known artwork, and certainly the one that made him famous, is his painting â€Å"Persistence of Memory,† originally called â€Å"Melting Clocks.† By analyzing this surrealistic piece of art, one can begin to understand the concepts behind the â€Å"visual aesthetic thought† triangle â€Å"Surrealism attempts to further our understanding of the human condition by seeking ways of fusing together our perceived conscious reality with our unconscious dream state†). The Spanish painter became well-known in his lifetime for his unusual way of looking at things and his willingness to share these visions with the greater world population. Dali's images - his bent watches, his figures , halfhuman, half chest of drawers – have made him the most famous of all Surrealist painters†. Typically painting images he saw in dreams or nightmares and consistently pushing the envelope in terms of subject matter, Dali had a wide range of interests that became reflected in his artwork, such as the work of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud or the mathematical genius of Albert Einstein, both of whose work have been associated with this painting. To create this painting in 1931, Dali said his limp watches were inspired by the remains of a very strong Camembert cheese.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World View - Essay Example Culture is quite a flexible and fragile phenomenon, a feature which gives it extensive dynamism. Therefore, it changes easily and can be easily lost because it only exists in the minds of people. Culture determines many aspects of the lives of people. It has a strong influence on government, formal language, architecture, and a host of other products of human creativity (O’Neil, 1 – 4). Human culture occurs in three levels. The first one is the collection of cultural traditions that are unique to a society. An example of this is Japanese culture. The second level of culture is a subculture. In societies composed of groups of people who have come from a number of different parts of the world, individuals usually retain their culture, which distinguishes them from the rest of society. The third level of culture is cultural universals, which consists of behavioral patterns that people learn and collectively share all over the world. Examples of cultural traits characterist ic of cultural universals are; the use of gender and age to classify individuals within the society, and the division of labor on a gender basis (O’Neil, 4 – 7). Mythology Mythology is a body of myths possessed by a particular society. A myth is a narrative of a sacred nature that provides an explanation as to why the humankind or the world transformed to become as it is now. Myths usually contain supernatural characters and religious leaders of the society usually endorse them. Myths are part of the culture of a society and, therefore, play a decisive role in shaping that society’s behavioral patterns. This is especially because they substantially influence a society’s religious beliefs.

Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Biology - Essay Example HCT 116 cell lines belong to the DNA repairing community and nearly 22 genes were disrupted in this cell line. Most of these genes are similar to the genes disrupted by other cell lines. Gene targeting is highly successful in this cell line and it is the only cell line without knock out strategies. HCT 116 cell lines can also be used for gene knock out in somatic cells. The targeting frequency of HCT 116 is 37% more than other cell lines for the p21 loci. (Conn 2008). LOVO cell lines are derived from the metastatic site of the colon. It is the best transfection host for cancer studies. The Colorectal Cancer cells are aneuploid cells which undergo a large-scale chromosomal rearrangement. LOVO and LS-174T cell lines have KRAS mutations. LOVO lacks BAT- 26 locus. (Ahmed et al. 2013). According to Bu et al (2011), the order of efficiency of cell lines is given as Caco-2> HT – 29 > LS174T > LOVO. LS174T cell line is best used for the investigation of the phenotypes. Similarly, proliferative and invasive capacity of LS174T is very high than any other Colorectal Cancer cell line. Thus LS174T can be used for the study of the mucin expression in the colon cancer. (Bu et al. 2011). Bcl – 3 ( B –cell lymphoma 3 – encoded protein ) is an oncogene protein. It is a regulator present in the NF- kB. The studies on Bcl- 3 have found that Bcl- 3 is an important oncogenic regulator for the study of Colorectal Cancer. Bcl- 3 is found to activate the homodimers such as p52 and p50. The phosphorylation of Bcl-3 results in the up regulation. This is very impo rtant for the colorectal carcinoma. (Puvvada et al. 2010). CAECAM (Carcinoembryonic Antigen- related Cell Adhesion Molecule) belongs to a group of Carcinoembryonic antigen family (CEA). CEA contains two sub groups: CAECAM and Pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSG). CAECAM are found to a tumor suppressoe molecule by down regualting the growth and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World View - Essay Example Culture is quite a flexible and fragile phenomenon, a feature which gives it extensive dynamism. Therefore, it changes easily and can be easily lost because it only exists in the minds of people. Culture determines many aspects of the lives of people. It has a strong influence on government, formal language, architecture, and a host of other products of human creativity (O’Neil, 1 – 4). Human culture occurs in three levels. The first one is the collection of cultural traditions that are unique to a society. An example of this is Japanese culture. The second level of culture is a subculture. In societies composed of groups of people who have come from a number of different parts of the world, individuals usually retain their culture, which distinguishes them from the rest of society. The third level of culture is cultural universals, which consists of behavioral patterns that people learn and collectively share all over the world. Examples of cultural traits characterist ic of cultural universals are; the use of gender and age to classify individuals within the society, and the division of labor on a gender basis (O’Neil, 4 – 7). Mythology Mythology is a body of myths possessed by a particular society. A myth is a narrative of a sacred nature that provides an explanation as to why the humankind or the world transformed to become as it is now. Myths usually contain supernatural characters and religious leaders of the society usually endorse them. Myths are part of the culture of a society and, therefore, play a decisive role in shaping that society’s behavioral patterns. This is especially because they substantially influence a society’s religious beliefs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ASPECTS OF COUNSELING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ASPECTS OF COUNSELING - Research Paper Example The cognitive aspect of counseling looks into how an individual reasons and processes information. In behavioral aspect the counselor looks into a person’s overt behavior and how learning has and can affect it. In affective aspect the counselor looks into what an individual is experiencing inside themselves. The spiritual aspect deals with a person’s religious affiliations or beliefs that affect their social life, emotions and physical well-being. A counselor therefore needs to know a client’s cognitive, behavioral, affective, and spiritual aspects before taking a specific counseling approach. Spiritual, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Aspects of Counseling Introduction Counseling has been in existence for thousands of years, but it is one of the most misunderstood concepts in psychology. In the past, counseling was performed by wise elders in the communities with the family unit at its core. These elders counseled people on the various norms that existed an d how to follow them. This trend has continued to grow, but now it is parents and other community members such as teachers, coaches, and religious leaders that find themselves in the counseling field. These community leaders have the role of counseling inherently embedded in their duties. As time passed, counseling took new approaches that were more scientific although the ancient ones also depicted some level of science and ethics. The transformation of counseling has primarily been based on the need for it to suit different people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles. Ironically, as the world has become more informed and technologically savvy, the breakdown of the family unit is on the rise. This brings about a generation of people who have not developed the emotional, mental, behavioral, and spiritual skills needed in our complex and changing society. This and more reasons have contributed to the development and spread of modern techniques and theories in counseling . The misunderstanding gap in relation to counseling in the past has been also reduced with more people seeking formal counseling services. In addition, counseling today does not have the stigma it once held in the past. In actuality, many theories used today consider counseling as a process where the client and the counselor come up with solutions or plans together. Today’s counseling has taken an integrative approach with the incorporation of spiritual, affective, behavioral and cognitive aspects in treating the client through individual or group counseling. Cognitive Aspect of Counseling: Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) The cognitive domain is basically a domain that focuses on how an individual thinks and reasons. Every individual has mental processes which include knowledge, comprehension, problem solving, and critical thinking or analysis. It is crucial for the counselor to understand how the client can process information. To elaborate this, a client may have t heir reasoning blurred by emotions rendering them incompetent to develop conclusive, decisive or sound solutions. Clients can be illogical and can exhibit irrationality in their judgment and attitudes (Hollon, Stewart and Strunk, 2006). The counselor should in turn replace these by logic and rationality in the client’s ideas and attitudes. The client through cognitive aspect is able to gain self-actualization, thereby attaining some level of happiness (Kenardy, 2011). If a client can identify the element(s) in their environment that they struggle with, self- awareness and self-discovery may commence. Eric Berne for example developed Transactional Analysis that aimed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business Studies - Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Business Studies Marketing Mix Essay All businesses offer some form of service as part of the product that they supply to customers. This is true of businesses supplying manufactured goods, as well as those that only supply services. By meeting (or exceeding) customers expectations, businesses can improve their image and establish a reputation for supplying products with high -quality characteristics. The features of quality service include: * Making sure the customer is safe This is crucial for a high profile business like IKEA otherwise the media will be straight on to them issuing bad press against them, potentially giving IKEA a bad name, furthermore the customer may wish to take legal action if he/she feels mistreated by IKEA. Again causing problems for IKEA. * Delivering good customer service Decisive for IKEA to maintain the good name they have, customers in this day and age will not accept poor service, otherwise its likely they will look elsewhere. * Improving the quality of the product Its important IKEA continue improving the quality of there products otherwise customers will begin to lose interest in the company due to its lack of creation and continued progress; customers want to see new/improved products on each visit they make to IKEA. * Making sure the customer is not kept waiting If IKEA let customers wait for there service, its likely they will simply leave the store and go else where, so its important there staff are motivated and wanting to give IKEA a good name. * Demonstrating good after sales care Once the sale is done its easy to take the money and thats it, but with IKEA if a problem arises they will want to help the customer in any way possible. Its vital for them to retain customers and not lose them to a competitor, and clearly IKEA are doing a good job at this as there profits continue to increase meaning the customers are happy with how they are treated both before and after sales. To see how business offer service in practice, lets look at some real examples. IKEA sells their products ready to be fitted, meaning the products they sell have to match customers precise requirements and also come with good instructions to help them build it at home. Otherwise people will see it as a hassle, meaning they re less likely to purchase from IKEA again. IKEA has bought it self a good name due to fact they offer good after sale services so if needed to contact a member of staff its possible, they give you a good instructional manual, if thats not enough you can phone them, email them or even talk 1 to 1 with a member of staff on their website via their web chat facility. It is this combination of products together with a range of services that is important in shaping and determining Ikeas reputation, the distinct characteristics of its products and the companys competitiveness. IKEAs website is also a key part in generating sales for there products, its important they describe the product clearly, and give the customer as much information about the product as possible, its less likely that someone will make a visit to IKEA for a product they arent given much information about on their website. The above picture is the basic layout for all IKEA products on there website, it has a clear picture of the product, price, special features, measurements, whether it requires assembly, care instructions, material made out of. It also gives the customer the option to see whether they have that product in stock at your local IKEA store, which from personal experience is very useful and practical. IKEA do give a lot of information which reassures the customer that this is the product they want, giving them a buzz and actually wanting to get down to IKEA as soon as possible to purchase the product. B) Price is the amount charged by a business for its products. The factors determining the price of a product can be summarised as the three Cs: Cost, Competition and Customer value. * The cost of producing the product: If a business is to make a profit, then it clearly needs to charge a price that covers the cost of making and selling the product. * The price charged by competitors: A business might want to charge a price at or below that of its competitors. However, if the product is sufficiently unique and superior, then the business might feel it is acceptable to charge a price above that of its competitors. IKEA excels here, in the sense that it offers prices cheaper then its competitors, putting them ahead of the game. * The price customers are willing to pay: This is determined by the value of the product to the target market. If consumers in the target market believe that they can gain significant benefits from the product, then they will be willing to pay a high price. However, if the product provides few benefits, consumers will only be prepared to pay a low price, for example, the price someone is willing to pay for a house will depend on its location, the number of rooms and other factors such as the size of the garden. A business will consider all these factors before deciding on a price for each of its products. In certain situations, it may be appropriate to set a relatively high price. For example, Ikea may set a premium price on a high quality piece of furniture that is widely recognised as being superior to other similar products made by competitors. In other situations a business may opt to set relatively low prices. For example, a new company operating in a very competitive market may set low prices relative to its competitors in an attempt to win business and build a customer base. IKEA are renowned for their cheap prices and high quality products. This has helped them build a huge reputation, and ultimately there cheap prices are a unique selling point, when people think, where can I get good, yet cheap furniture from? Instantly in most cases they think IKEA. IKEA is renowned for being value for money. c) Promotion is a series of marketing activated designed to make consumers aware of products. The ultimate aim, of course, is to persuade them to buy those products. Promotion is an important part of the marketing mix, and business can use a variety of different types of promotion. One of the methods is advertising, advertising is a means by which businesses pay for communication with actual and potential customers through newspapers, television, radio, the internet and other media. It can be expensive, but advertising is often highly successful in influencing consumers purchasing decisions. Advertising can be informative, by setting out to increase consumer awareness of a product. This type of advertising is based on facts rather then images. On the other hand, persuasive advertising attempts to convince consumers to purchase a certain product. Persuasive advertising aims to persuade that the advertised product is better than the competition. Sales promotion is any activity that provides a financial incentive to purchase a product. For instance Ikea may hand out free samples of food in their newly built restaurant or perhaps have demonstrations of how to put together some of their products to show customers thats its easy, and can be done by anyone. IKEA advertising in the UK is intended to raise awareness of the IKEA brand and drive traffic to the stores. Some people love IKEAs unique style of retail advertising, some hate it, but everyone who sees there advertising has a strong opinion and subsequently it provokes conversation and debate. Despite having some of the most controversial television advertising campaigns in the UK this includes criticising the taste of the British public, invisible furniture, an exaggerated homosexual man advertising for IKEA. IKEA have raised awareness of there brand, let people know they are different to other home furnishing companies and most importantly increased sales. The advertising department includes all aspects of advertising and brand communication from television advertising and sponsorship to magazine and radio promotions. Advertising is used to support many different areas of the business including brand awareness, store themes, catalogue drops and store openings. The term merchandising covers a range of tactics used by businesses at the point of sale (the location at which the products are actually purchased) to achieve higher sales figures. For example, a business might offer retailers special display stands or point-of-sale adverts to encourage them to place the businesss products in a more favourable and prominent position withen stores. Merchandising can be important when: * Consumers make decisions at the point of sale. This includes a lot of information about the product, making it bright, clear and attractive. * Competitors make extensive use of merchandising. * A variety of rival products are on display in stores. * Rival products have only minor differences. Businesses seek good publicity, and public relations (PR) is designed to improve businesses standings in the eyes of consumers and other interested groups,. Larger organisations have their own PR staff. Ikea engage in a variety of PR activity including: * Making donations to charities IKEA support unicef to help young children in less fortunate countries around the world. * Sponsoring sporting and cultural activates, and IKEA support the local community by donating products to schools which dont sell in stores, this is very popular in the community, and keeps the public happy, which creates good press for IKEA. * Allowing the public to visit the business Makes the customer feel more welcome, and at home with IKEA if they feel involved by learning more about the company. Public relations can be a very expensive form of promotion, and it can be difficult for businesses to assess the effect of public relations on sales. Catalogues are a huge part of advertisement for IKEA, its relatively cheap when compared to TV adverts, and its fairly easy to get to the customer, IKEA print 131 million copies of there catalogue making it the most widely distributed commercial publication in the world. Having picked up a couple of the latest IKEA catalogues and handbooks, its clear that IKEA thrive on simplicity. The IKEA text is the same font on all brochures, with the traditional blue and yellow logo on the bottom hand side of the page this creates continuity which means people recognise it straight away when they see it again, the traditional yellow and blue logo is based on the colours of there home country Sweden. The background images are warm, cosy, family pictures, one containing a large sofa with numerous pillows, the other an aqua blue kitchen. This gets the message across to the reader that there is a large range of products available, furthermore on the front cover they get the message about there prices, Pay less, enjoy more and your 100 page guide to making an affordable, inspired choice. This encourages the public to go through the IKEA catalogue. Furthermore the catalogue brings the IKEA store into your home, its the best way to prepare for a visit to IKEA. d)Place is another term for distribution. It covers the range of activities necessary to ensure that goods and services are available to customers. Deciding on the right place involves a range of decisions. A business needs to consider the most cost-effective way of getting its products and service to the customers. It needs to look at the implications for its profit margins of each means of distribution. The growth in use of the internet has encouraged even small businesses to use websites to sell their products to what can be a global market. This can be highly cost effective means of reaching a wide target audience, but is not suitable for all business and all products. Businesses seek to design marketing mixes that are complementary and work together to benefit the business and to maximise sales. For example, Ikea promotes itself to its target audience on the basis that it offers the lowest possible prices. Place is important to Ikea, and the company locates stores in areas where it costs less to set up, eg on the outskirts of major cities. Which targets both high income earners and low. IKEAs transport methods are highly effective, large volumes in combination with flat packages are important in helping IKEA to transport products economically from the supplier via the stores to the customers. Flat packs mean that IKEA do not have to pay for transporting or storing unnecessary air and that not only means lower warehousing and distribution costs, but also less impact on the environment. At present 20 % of all IKEA goods are transported by rail. 6) It makes sense for Ikea to target a wide range of customers. This is referred to as mass marketing. But theres the other side of it where in some situations they will target small sections of the market. Taken to the limit, this might involve catering for a small select group of customers a target market that has very specific needs. I.E childrens section. In mass marketing, Ikea would aim their products at most of the available market and normally try to sell a range of similar products to all customers. Mass marketing is possible if the products are popular and purchased by many different types of people. For example Ikeas furniture products are well suited to being sold in mass markets. Businesses must be able to produce on a large scale if they are to sell successfully in a mass market. A company may have to invest heavily in resources such as buildings, machinery and vehicles. Usually, firms also have to be very price competitive to flourish in mass markets. By contrast, niche marketing involves companies identifying and meeting the needs of relatively small areas of the market. The aim is to cater for the needs of customers that have not been met sufficiently by other business, and niche marketing is one way in which small businesses can operate profitably in markets that are dominated by large firms. An example would be Ikea and their play pen for younger children. Market research helps businesses to identify whether they should adopt a mass or niche marketing strategy. In general, this would depend on: * Whether the needs of customers within all parts of the market are being met. * The extent to which a business can provide specialist products capable of meeting the needs of select groups of customers. This gives IKEA good idea whether there is a need for a unique product on the market, or a product aimed at a special selection of customers, doing this research could potentially uncover new opportunities for them. * The degree to which competitors are currently meeting the needs of all customers within the market. 7) Market research is the systematic collection and analysis of data to enable a business to take better quality marketing decisions. In simple terms, market research allows businesses to find out what customers want. There are a number of reasons why businesses invest in market research. To determine whether IKEA should focus on mass marketing or niche marketing, they can use market research. Most products are only likely to be mainly purchased by particular groups of customers: the market of young working-class males, for example, is very different to that of middle aged wealthy couples. Market research can assist a firm in identifying which parts of the market are most likely to buy its products. It is vital for a business to know who its customers are. This allows the business to: * Design products to best meet the needs of these customers This makes it more efficient at what it does as it specifically meets the needs of IKEAs customers, meaning its something which grabs there attention, or they can relate to and want to purchase. * Target advertising, promotions and special offers at these groups People like a bargain, once they see a discount on a product they are looking for they are likely to purchase it from IKEA. * Conduct further in-depth research with specific groups of customers to uncover their needs as fully as possible. 5) Businesses need to know whats happening in the market. To be able to plan its product and marketing effectively, a business like Ikea needs to address three important questions. What is the size of the market? A way of measuring the size of the market is to consider the volume of sales made by all businesses selling furniture. What is the structure of the market? This means discovering the number and size of businesses that make up a market. Are there, for example a few large firms, or many small firms? Or a mixture of large and small firms? If a business is in competition with large firms, it may decide to avoid competing on price terms as larger firms may be able to produce their products more cheaply. Is the market growing or shrinking? Market research can reveal what is happening to sales in market over a period of time. A business may feel more confident about entering a market which is growing, as it should be easier to win sales when some customers are not yet loyal to particular brands or manufactures. The market for DIY furniture has kept growing recently mainly due to Ikeas success. If IKEA are planning on releasing a new product, its likely they will do research into other products in a similar field to see whether the market for them specific products are increasing or decreasing. This will give them a good idea whether it is worth a full-scale launch of the product they have in mind. 9) Total Quality Control is the most necessary inspection control of all in cases where, despite statistical quality control techniques or quality improvements implemented, sales decrease.The major problem which leads to a decrease in sales was that the specifications did not include the most important factor, What the customer required. To maintain their quality and standards is vital to IKEA, the quality and reliability and workmanship of their products is crucial to there brand. Both to keep their customers and to be legally correct. * Marketing had to carry out their work properly and define the customers specifications. * Management had to confirm all operators are equal to the work imposed on them and holidays, celebrations and disputes did not affect any of the quality levels. * Inspections and tests were carried out, and all components and materials, bought in or otherwise, conformed to the specifications, and the measuring equipment was accurate, this is the responsibility of the QA/QC department. * Any complaints received from the customers were timorously and satisfactorily dealt with. This will help keep IKEA a favourites with the customers. To conclude, the above forms the basis from which the philosophy of Quality Assurance has evolved, and the achievement of quality or the fitness-for-purpose is Quality Awareness throughout the company. IKEA hire highly trained quality control workmen, to check that the products in the warehouse are looked after sensiblely and that they are delivered to the customer effeciantly. Quality control is to check that there product meets customer demands and possibly look for ways to improve it. Its important for a business like IKEA to have regulary quality control checks to make sure that the products they sell are always up to standards, making sure the high IKEA standards dont drop without them being aware. To make sure of this IKEA have a test lab in Almhult which tests both textiles and furniture, around 50,000 tests are carried out in accordance with current standards each year. For several years in succession the IKEA Test Lab has been accredited for it quality system and test methods in accordance with the international standards. All these tests have been developed to correspond to many years of regular use in a domestic enviroment in the areas for which the product is intended. IKEA not only test products during development, but also selects random samples from among the products on sale in the stores. As IKEA say It is our customers that we want to come back not our products This makes sure that IKEAs customers get there full value for money and a long lasting product.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Protecting Children from Harm in the Internet Age

Protecting Children from Harm in the Internet Age Yiliang, Yin Issues regarding children’s Internet safety remained an overarching concern for the society. But as a matter of fact, internet is already an irreplaceable part of daily life, especially for children (learning, gaming, and social networking). The Canadian government has introduced agreements to protect children. Nervertheless, some crimes are national basis. In addition, a lot of countries define ‘children’ differently, makes protecting children a harder work [Minujin et al. 2006]. Internet filtering technology has been conducted in most western countries as well as some developing countries. It is used to prevent Internet users from accessing materials that considered inappropriate or unsafe [Hamade, 2008]. Although parents and local institution are encouraged to use these software to protect their children and the community, but there is no guarantee that these software are 100% effective at regulating undesirable contents, they always likely to under- or over-block content. Therefore, besides using network level filtering, it is critical for parents, education- and government-related personnel to educate children about self-protection, risks and responsibility they may encounter while using the Internet. 1. INTRODUCTION Internet has become one of the most important media among the others. Common uses of internet among people including children are: Leaning Social-networking Entertaining The development of technology makes Internet usage more convenient. Children are now able to access internet from their cellphone, tablet and laptop instead of desktop computers. But this made supervision much more difficult than before [LoÃÅ' pez, Arnao and Puente, 2012]. While the internet is overall a great educational place for children, there are also exist areas that are not appropriate for children. Without appropriate supervision, children are likely to get contacted by contents involving: violence, porn, hate speech, etc. Although there exist unsafe contents on the internet, but internet itself is a powerful tool. The internet gives parents and educators better opportunity to teach children according to their age and interest, giving children better way of learning while having fun. Parents, education- and government-related personnel should work together in order to build a safer environment for children. It is everyone’s responsibility to build and maintain a healthy environment for children wherever they are, giving children a safe and nurturing childhood. 2. Children Internet Use Both the amount of children and their ability to use internet are increasing. Some parents claim they don’t know better than their child about the internet. According to a survey conducted by the pan-European survey published by the European Commission, children start to use the Internet at 7, and the age of internet user is decreasing, internet uses include: social-networking (89%), entertaining (84%) and schoolwork (80%) [Digital Agenda, 2010]. Therefore, building safe guideline and setting rules for children’s internet usage should start once they get contact with computer. An important role of enabling children’s safety online is to help them understand the concepts of safety and risks, so that they will be able to make better decisions in the future based on what they have known. Internet safety education is critical in protecting children from internet threats. Some people blocked children’s internet usage completely, claiming it as an evil thing, which will misguide the children. They should also keep in mind that internet use is one of the basic skills in daily life. In addition, children learn from their mistakes. Therefore, it is the goal to teach children the ’internet manner’ and ‘look before you leap’. 3. Potential Risks According to research, children between ages of 8-15 are mostly likely to be afflicted by online threats. Some are risky to their safety and privacy; some may also resulted from children intentionally or unintentionally violates the law, such as torts which may lead to dangerous situations. Figure 1 shows the overview of common internet risks from Valcke et al. (2011): Fig. 1. Overview of internet Risks File-sharing is a useful technology that allows teachers to show useful information to the student and peers to share files with each other. But many file-sharing programs, like email, give children a way of accessing harmful contents. Example of such contents including: pornography, violence, hate, racism. According to research from Valkenburg and Soeters (2001), figure 2 shows data from children’s positive experience of using internet, and figure 3 shows negative experience. Fig. 2. Positive Impacts about children’s Internet Use Fig. 3. Negative Impacts about children’s Internet Use While children are searching movie clips, some sexually explicit files or sites advocate usage of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs may appear. In this case, some online filter or parent-control software can be used. The most common contact risks to think of is a child turn up missing or being hurt after meeting someone online. This always resulted by young children especially girls allured by criminals online. There are many ways internet users can lose their privacy, and leading themselves to danger. If children carelessly exposed family address, phone number, or name to a stranger, serious danger may occur to family members as well. Besides, nowadays there are a lot of companies collecting potential customers’ information as registering for contests or filling address for prize, children should also be aware of giving out information this way, causing mental and property damage. It is not only our privacy we need to consider. Parents should also be aware their children putting other people’s information (e.g. friend, other family members, etc.) online. Making jokes as claiming a missing child by putting a friend’s information online can cause a lot of trouble to the family and police. People get angry sometimes, same for children. A lot of people take internet as a way to vent the anger. Children will have higher chance to be exposed to hate speech and violent sentence when get involved. The best defense for children is to avoid getting into online arguments until they are mature enough to filter out bad information, control the anger and speak out their minds. The lack of uniform definition as what is appropriate for children or what is the definition of children are different in most countries based on their culture. Most developed countries take 18 years old as the boundary to differentiate adults from children. But people get marry early in some country so they arrive their adulthood much earlier. In this case, the lack of uniform online legislation may allow children to access inappropriate material from other countries. 4. Present Concerns and Solutions Along with the growth of children’s internet use, a large number of Web 2.0 applications like Facebook came out, which makes it now more critical to protect children from unsafe online environment. There are three aspects need to be worked with: government regulation, technologies, parents supervision. 4.1 Government Policies regarding Children’s Online Safety According to Liu (2006), Ontario police established the earliest investigation group about child pornography. The investigators realized shortly, child pornography exists not only in certain places, it became an issue of the world. Online investigation needs a lot of time, money and human resources, especially skilled investigators. So the local police station founded an Internet Safety Committee, formed by police representatives, governors from election, members from the local Education Committee, etc., and their goal is to provide the safest online environment as they can for children. To accomplish the goal, the committee established the following detailed rules: educate students about the importance of internet safety; teach the parents how to protect their children from internet risks. The committee worked with one school and added specific course about Internet Safety for students with different age. An insurance company donated a disk with video about Internet Risks to the committee made the education process ran smoother than before. According to the research before experiment, 62% of elementary students were using internet in the spare time, and 23.7% of the student have visited online chatting rooms. For students in grade 9 and grade 10, 88.6% of them have spent spare time online, 66.19% students have chatted online within the last 6 months. The most disturbing result is that there were 90.5% of students thought it is alright to meet people that they met online, and 22% had already met their net friend. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of United States had revised Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) on July 1, 2013. COPPA give US-parents greater control over their children’s privacy. It detailed what a website operator must follow, when and how to seek permission and verification from a parent to guardian, and what responsibility an operator has to protect children’s privacy and safety online, including restrictions on doing business with children under 13. 4.2 Internet Filtering Technology A lot of countries have chosen to establish national internet regulation with varying degrees of success, but sometimes will have unintended consequences. Number of countries who use filtering technologies to block the access of certain content has increased dramatically. Normally, the following threes filtering technologies are used to block the access of websites via network infrastructure: IP blocking, DNS filtering, and URL blocking using a proxy. Filters can also be implemented by using software on local computers, in other words, client-side filters. This type of filter can be managed by anyone with administrator-level privileges on the computer. It can be argued that net-work based filtering causes filtering errors: over-blocking and under-blocking. For example, when searching health-related information, some useful information may be filtered out by having same searching keywords with porn-related material. And most of the filtering software will prefer over-blocking instead of allowing any leaking information that their customers don’t want. As a result, over-blocking encourages users to bypass the filtering technology entirely. When new information is updated online, under-blocking may occur. The filtering software may fail to recognise the new information because it has not yet updated on the client side when blacklisting are used instead of whitelisting. With the rapid development of science and technology, people expect higher efficiency for their software. It has been reported that most inline filters (parent-control software) as well as online content filtering are slow when processing. According to AkbasÃÅ' § (2008), content filtering can be accelerated by examining only web content. In this case, offline filtering and proxy works synergistic, so filtering process and data transfer works independently to accelerate the filtering process. Therefore, decision can be made by examining only part of the web content. While children’s internet use at school or home is usually supervised and filtered, many children are now able to access internet through other devices and in different locations with no supervision and internet filter. This means, children are likely to access inappropriate material on the internet. It is therefore, important to educate children how to behave online, and discuss issues that may encounter when accessing Internet. 4.3 Parents and Educators’ Action When the government trying to enact laws to protect children as complete as possible, parents and other community members in the society also have the responsibility to guide children, provide a safe and entertained online environment for them. Except using filtering technologies, parents and educators should teach children how to safeguard themselves, since the most effective way of preventing problems arising from internet use is to empower children. Guardians and educators can teach them about legal boundaries, moral and ethical norms regarding their culture. Empowering children can prevent them from being victims as well. It is undeniable that children adapt new technologies better than adults. This made a good relation with children much important, since young people usually will have a trusted relationship with peers or adults, so the influencers should be aware of the risks themselves and give reliable advices. In addition, parents, guardians, educators and trusted influencers should play an active role in teaching children about the risks they may face from sexually explicit materials online and how to avoid internet predators and scammers. Children should also be educated about being careful of sharing personal information on the internet. As children growing up day by day, parents’ guardian role becomes challenging. While parents are being responsible for their children’s safety, they have to respect children’s rights to privacy themselves. Parents might give up at this them, but it is urgent to encourage parents to talk and discuss with children about their online activity. (what the parents can do are: communicate with children as much as they can; make sure the children understand the importance of not exposing private information to strangers; make sure they don’t meet net friend; if found anything that children did were not appropriate online, stop them, and educate them; put the computer at where you can see easily; use parents control software;) 5. Conclusions Internet control is not impossible. Along working with children in their families and schools, there are a lot of actions that government can do to build public awareness to help children be benefit from the internet in a safe environment. For example, involve all members in the society to build public awareness about internet safety; encourage law enforcement and the educational department to develop best practices in proving safe online environment and dealing with crimes. The internet renovates so rapidly that the government regulation and technologies might not keep up. More effective and durable measures are those close to children: family, school, and community, guiding children to make good decisions, so that they will grow to become the next generation of responsible and trusted influencers. REFERENCES[ZhkcUCd[GtA1T8c4E. AkbasÃÅ' §. 2008. Next Generation Filtering: Offline Filtering Enhanced Proxy Architecture for Web Content Filtering. In Computer and Information Sciences, 2008. ISCIS 08. 23rd International Symposium on. 1-4. DOI: S. N. Hamade. 2008. Internet filtering and censorship. Information Technology: New Generations, 2008. ITNG 2008. Fifth International Conference on ( 2008) , 1081-1086. DOI:http://dx/ Zhongwen Liu. 2006. On internet safety for canadian children. Journal of Liaoning Police Academy 39, 5 (September. 2006)DOI:http://dx/ E. M. LoÃÅ' pez, R. N. M. Arnao, and S. M. Puente. 2012. Children and adolescent risk environment characterization to use information technologies and communications (ICT): Case merida, venezuela. 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Saturday, October 12, 2019

How first Love Is Represented By Different Artists :: essays research papers

How "First Love" is Represented by Different Artists First love is represented in different ways by different artists in their writings according to their own experiences. Different artists experience different things when they are growing up and their first loves are not always the opposite sex. Some felt the love from their parents was the most important, when they were young, others felt the love of their lovers was the most important. But no matter who the other person or persons were that influenced the artist as their first love, all of the artists' first loves were equally important. First loves are important to most artists, no matter how, when or who. How first loves impacted the artists play a significant role in determining the lives of the artists and their topics of writing. In Robert Hayden's "Those Winter Sundays," Hayden writes about his father and the abandonment his family showed him even though he worked so hard to provide for them. Hayden writes, "†¦cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday blaze. No one ever thanked him" (590). Most artists observe the fact that they did not know of their first loves and do not realize their mistakes with their first loves until they are grown up and are writing about it. It probably provides them with a good topic to start writing about in the first place. The lack of realization seems to be a powerful motivator in the lives of these artists. All of the artists in the readings seem to have gone through a period of lack of realization before wising up to what their experiences with their first loves meant. They probably did not know that their first loves were their first loves until later in their lives. In the case of Robert Hayden and Theodore Roethke, it took them their whole adolescent years to realize who their first loves were. But no matter how long or how they realized it, most of the artists were impacted greatly by their first loves or they would not devote their writing to it. When artists realize their first loves differs greatly also. Some realize very quickly who, or what their first loves are, and some do not realize for a very long time. In A.E. Houseman's "When I Was One and Twenty," Houseman writes about his ignorance toward his first love. He writes about how ignorant he was toward the whole situation and how relatively quickly he realized that he should not have been overwhelmed by the whole experience. Houseman writes, "Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away†¦.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Three Wishes

Three wishes are upon me and three wishes are my lead into achieve what I want. These wishes can or cannot grant what I want but they will surely help me think what the most important things in my life are. I got these three wishes for my great personality and my positiveness. I have three wishes that I would like to wish for, even though if they can’t be granted at least the most important thing is to try it by my own. These wishes are the lead to my happiness and they are, wishing to visit Osaka Japan, second is to wish to pass my ENG 010 class and the final wish is to graduate from college.Wishing to visit Japan is one thing I always wanted. Even though I don't speak Japanese, there are things do and places to go that don’t need language skills. There are plenty of wishes I would like to wish for, but visiting Osaka Japan is one of first one that I have in mind. Wishing to visit a place isn't really a wish because you can do it whenever you want if you have money. I wish to visit Japan not only because is a famous country, instead, is because I would love to interact into a different culture.I choose this wish since money is a problem when talk about vacations. For example, when people talk about vacation, the first thing they think about is money. Since money is the lead into do whatever you like, going to an expensive place would be impressive. I prefer this wish than others because visiting a far place will not be an opportunity that I would have every day. In addition, I would love this wish since life is about time I want to pass some of that time being happy and free from problems. Passing a class on school is a big deal for me.My second wish would be about passing my ENG 010 class. I choose this wish because I want to pass that class, finish the year and finally graduate. This wish is my second most important in my life not only because is about my education but because my future is ahead of me. If this wish can be granted, my life would be easier in several ways. For example, if this wish is granted maybe I could have the ability to do much better. Also, this wish could give me more knowledge by studying more into passing the class.I wish to pass this class since this is the one I’m doing worst, I also don’t want it to be the first one I failed for the first time. I choose this wish instead of others because failing a class is a nightmare. For example, you will have to pay for the class all over again each time you failed it. Also, you have to work on things you already done. Finally, each time you failed a class you will be one step further from your career. Passing my English class has been a frustrating moment for me and that’s why I want this wish to be granted.Graduating from college is my first and most important wish I have. This wish is unique from others because it can lead me into achieving what I want, which is graduating from college. This wish will give me the benefit to finally g et one step closer to my career. I choose this wish because this is the one which will show me my future. For example, if I get this wish granted, I will see me myself working on a big company in the future. This can be done by completing my education and begin to do what I want to.I prefer this wish not only because is about my education instead since I will know by then that when I graduate I will have master my skills in any subject. If this wish is granted, it will be easier for me because this wish will improve my knowledge on studying and brings me more hope onto pass my four years without any problem. Having this wish granted or not, I will still be happy and trying hard to finish college. Having wishes is one of the greatest things I always wanted. These three wishes can change my life in several ways. These three wishes can change others life’s in several ways.I have three wishes which they are important in my life, even though if they can’t be granted, I woul d still be happy for what I had. Having the opportunity to go to Osaka Japan is amazing since is really expensive. Passing my ENG 010 class can be a great time for me because I will be one step closer to my graduation. Finally, graduating from college is the best thing that could happen to me; one step closer to be part of the career I want. Where there is hope, there are always wishes and I will still be happy if these wishes aren't granted.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

General Mills Warm Delights Essay

1. Warm Delights is in the single-serve cake treat category. 2. (a) The target market is on the go women who want a small dessert treat. (b) A point of difference would be that it is convenient due to that it comes in its own bowl. (c) A potential opportunity would be that Warm Delights is positioned as a snack instead of as a dessert. A hindrance could be that while marketing it as a snack versus a dessert, it may have more competition. Also by marketing it to women, you may be losing other potential customers like children and teenagers. 3. (a) Vivian Callaway did some market research on naming the product. She was trying to decide if naming it Warm Delights or Dessert Bowls would be more appealing to customers. (b) â€Å"What does she want?† was one critical question she sought answers for. (c) Targeting on the go women had marketing advantages like a $2.00 price tag, the products message of â€Å"warm, convenient, delightful†, and that on-the-go women’s meal plans include the occasional delicious treat. 4. (a) Callaway’s initial plan was to pay for displays that would catch the consumer’s attention because there is usually not a lot of consumer traffic in the dessert aisle. (b) The displays made sense to Callaway because it was vital to get new people down the dessert aisle that wouldn’t normally visit that aisle. 5. I would try to make the product more appealing to the younger consumer. Maybe changing the packaging to a more kid-friendly view. I would also create and add more flavors. And one more thing would be to market to college students and their college stores and cafeterias.

Dynamicity in HRD Essay

Introduction One of the vital pre-requisites in the field of human resource management is the development of its members.   Consequently, to be able to meet the complex changes that occur in every organization, human resource development seemingly surfaces through the essence of maintaining the ability of the human resource to perform their duties and obligations in the most competitive mean possible.   Organizational behavior critically stresses the idea that every organization must shape up an efficient managerial style—which includes the human resource department—so as to have a thorough breakdown of work for the pursuance of the organization’s established goals and objectives (Schwab, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conceivably, to be able to get the top notch mark of the member’s designated task or job prescription, one undergoes a series of training to be able to harness the skills and the abilities apt for that certain individual as well as for the person to be able to thoroughly understand the importance of being â€Å"an expert† on the certain job.   Moreover, organizational changes must take place when companies change strategies. However, even the best strategic plans encounter resistance. Any significant transformation creates â€Å"people issues†. To thrive, administration should have a personal indulgence of the human phase—the placement of the company’s culture, values, people, and behaviors—to support the preferred results.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Training is considered as a dynamic that contain value; value is realized only through the continual, combined actions of all employees who are accountable for designing, executing, and existing with the shifting milieu.   Hence, in this certain kind of schema, then it goes to show the perception that no matter how high an individual’s position may be, each member of the organization must be open to change, to allow themselves to be trained and develop for the betterment of the whole group or the company for that instance. Synthesis on the role of HRDs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Human resource developers are perhaps one of the most important key players in an organization.   It is through them that the employees and the prospect workers are being oriented, trained, assessed and evaluated before a certain position is given.   As a matter of fact, they are vested with the authority to control the inevitable shortcomings or other forms of predicaments which normally arise in diverse situations.   Promotion for example, is influenced by the HRD’s advice to the higher authority since that these individuals are concisely those who have carefully studied and analyzed whether an employee deserves to get that position (Wilson, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Further, human resource developers are required to be in flying colors in public relation skills as well as with human behavior schemas.   Not only does it make the responsibility quite complicated, but it is also one of the main reasons why they need to not only see the â€Å"intellectual† skills of the employees but must also pay high regard on the factors that may have manifested the behavior and the performance of the subjects under study.   As to how HRD is defined: â€Å"..Organized learning activities arranged within an organization in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving the job, the individual, and/or the organization.† (Wilson, 2002)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With this connotation alone, the role of human resource developers in managing an organization is nevertheless the backbone of the management.   Globalization stresses the need of carefully and intelligently crafted programs designed to set certain provisions on communication, leadership and management skills as a pre-requisite in achieving administrative goals (Hughes & Beatty, 2005).   The complexity of the world of business strategically sets varied requirements which stage the flow of the environment’s dynamicity requiring a higher level of attention for the adaption of organizational changes (Segil, 2002).   Hence it may then be taken to assumption that without the aide of these â€Å"critics† in an organization, growth and development within its members would be crippled down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The role of the HRD’s specifically include areas of training and development, career development, and organization enhancement which, in essence, adheres with the level of changes that occur in the environment as well as with the society where the organization falls of service.   Training is primarily the focal point of enhancing the skills and abilities of the employee.   Surveys have shown that employees who are inclined with rigor training through the guidance of HRD constituents are most likely to have an outstanding performance in an organization.   This is because through proper training—wherein the employee is able to fully understand, practice and study one’s job description—mistakes have a minute chance for being committed. Key aspects of training in HRD Managers of training and trainers, no matter what their titles, will find in this book all the tools they need for any training challenge (Wilson, 2002).   Training directors and human resources directors, who are in positions with administrative accountability, will find this short and snappy †how to† method, particularly the checklists that have a propensity to make bigger judgment, exceptionally useful. Executives will promptly see the capacity of a variety of aspects of training and be ministered to in decision making about the series of their responsibilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several ways to perform training, (1) learning and development can be best defined with the quote:   â€Å"If you are not going forwards, you are in fact going backwards;† (2) leadership/management training and development can be done through a series of formal or informal approaches which will help both the trainee and the trainer meet the loop of expectations, (3) setting training and learning at the right level denotes that in every training, there is a corresponding time or duration for each activity or session to be performed, hitherto implying that the activities involved need to be in an order and has to be followed. Not only does the training need to be speculated in the most deliberative context of the schema, (4) it must also give high regard on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which is characterized as the point of determining what is necessary to complete the work in action; the accessible skill intensity of the staff carrying out the work and the preparation gap—which floats in the final stages of the training. Understanding the root causes of training is an essential advantage in management. Theories of mental models and mind traps help explain why individuals are more likely to maintain previous positions. As individuals, we all build our own mental maps that we use to perceive, contextualize, simplify, and make sense of things happening in front of us. Those formulated mental maps can trick us into mental traps from thinking objectively, logically or rationally. They also hinder us from accepting differences. Changing mental maps causes discomfort or pain. The greater the pain and the experience, the greater the training will be. Conclusions and further remarks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The necessity of training in an organization is consequently a factor which presumably exists even in the medieval ages and is carried along in the contemporary society.   The difference between the past and the present would only fall on the streamline of â€Å"intellectual capacity† hence taking the training methods which are implemented nowadays are aimed towards the composition of technical and conceptual skills—all of which tantamount to a conclusion that for a person to be able to develop, one must consistently train his or her self so as not to be left behind and be competent enough for society’s constant changes (Watson & Noble, 2005). References Hughes, R. L., & Beatty, K. M. (2005). Becoming a Strategic Leader: Your Role in Your Organization’s Enduring Success (Lst Ed ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Schwab, D. P. (2004). Research Methods for Organizational Studies (Second ed.). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Segil, L. (2002). Dynamic Leader Adaptive Organization: Ten Essential Traits for Managers (1 ed.). Toronto: Wiley. Watson, T., & Noble, P. (2005). Evaluating Public Relations: A Best Practice Guide to Public Relations Planning, Research & Evaluation. London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. Wilson, J. P. (2002). Human Resource Development: Learning and Training for Individuals and Organizations (Second ed.). London: Kogan Page. Â